Your support provides nourishing meals and a caring community to Revive & Thrive Project meal recipients affected by life-altering illness, grows healthy young leaders, and supports vibrant local food systems.
Donate online: Complete the above form to donate through our online giving platform, GiveButter.
Mail a check: Checks payable to Revive & Thrive Project can be mailed to our mailing address: 1971 E Beltline Ave NE, Suite 106, #210, Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Revive & Thrive Project is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax-deductible. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Business Sponsorships
Revive & Thrive Project welcomes businesses to sponsor our signature annual events, as well as contributing to our operations. Sponsorship packages of various financial levels are available.
In-kind Donations
Revive & Thrive Project’s greatest needs include the following:
- Gift cards to Meijer, Costco, Gordon Foods Service, or the Fulton Street Farmers Market
- Groceries and fresh vegetables
Please send us a message through the Contact Us page to arrange an in-kind donation.
Your Support Provides:
$1,000 provides 6 weeks of nutritious meals for a single mom and her two children and provides 32 hours of teen mentoring.
$500 buys a commercial-grade blender or food processor.
$250 provides 8 weeks of nutritious meals for a cancer patient.
$125 feeds a senior living alone for one month and provides 8 hours of teen mentoring.
$50 buys the ingredients for a healthy dessert for 40 people.
$25 buys 3 insulated delivery bags.
Donor Privacy Policy
Revive & Thrive Project values the privacy of our donors and will never share your contact information with other organizations.